Some New Stuff
I’ve been doing some work to this site to fill it out a bit. There are still a few links that don’t work quite right and I’m making changes as I come across them. If you notice any, please drop me a line somewhere and I’ll fix them.
If you take a look at the list of “Pages” links to the side, you’ll see that the Mythos Absinthe Cocktails, Blackened Cocktails, Cocktails From Beyond, and Misc Original Cocktails have been filled up pretty well. As time goes on I’ll be adding to them and adjusting some of them as I figure out how to make them better. There are a few in there that could really use some work and any suggestions on how to improve on any of them is appreciated.
I’ve also added much better galleries for viewing last year’s Drawloween and the 12 days of Xmas Movies with Nugg and Yebb. In the near future I plan to expand on the art pages, make some permanent homes for Artwork that was already posted, adding more of the artwork that was excluded from those posts, and start a new series of sporadic Nugg and Yebb comics.